Audio, video & speaking engagements

Creative Mornings: Time, December 2015 (audio) and (video)

Walrus Talks: Health Calgary, March 2016

From Concordia University presents The Walrus Talks Health. Recorded March 21, 2016, in Calgary. Teva Harrison is a writer and graphic artist. She is the author of the critically acclaimed graphic memoir, In-Between Days, which is based on her graphic series about living with cancer published in The Walrus.

Teva speaking at Raconteurs Storytelling:

Teva speaking at Raconteurs Storytelling

Teva speaking at Raconteurs Storytelling

Teva discusses In-Between Days in ten parts

Teva Harrison, author of In-Between Days, talks about her diagnosis with metastatic breast cancer and why she decided to go public. About In-Between Days by Teva Harrison: Teva Harrison was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 37. In In-Between Days, she documents through comic illustration and short personal essays what it means to live with the disease.

ReThink Breast Cancer - Living with metastatic breast cancer building a legacy

Metastatic breast cancer means there is no longer the opportunity to overcome the disease, and you are faced with a shorter life expectancy. Teva describes what building a legacy looks like for her, and inspires other young people with metastatic cancer to create their own legacy.